NutriGoals is a desktop application for NUS students who wish to improve their current lifestyle and adopt a healthier one. With NutriGoals, you can keep track of your diet and calorie consumption. Studies have shown the benefits of keeping track of your daily food consumption – the more consistent you are, the more likely you are to achieve the various fitness goals that you have set for yourself! However, without the right tools, tracking what you have consumed is tedious and disorganised. With NutriGoals, you can keep track of your consumption quickly and easily, without worrying about organising your data.

Table of contents

About the user guide

  • If you are a new user, the Quick start section provides instructions for you on how to get started.

  • Once you have set up NutriGoals, you can check out the Screen layout section to get familiar with the different components of NutriGoals. To learn the basics of using NutriGoals, head over to the Features section.

  • If you are an experienced user, you can refer to the Command summary section for an overview of NutriGoals’ commands.

  • If you have any queries about using NutriGoals, you can check out the FAQ section.

Reading the user guide


This section will run you through the icons used in this guide.

Icon Meaning
:information_source: Extra information that you may find useful.
:exclamation: Information you should be aware of to avoid running into errors.
:fast_forward: Information about future updates to a feature.

Input parameters

This section provides a summary of the parameters used when inputting commands into the application.

Prefix Parameter Meaning Input
n/ FOOD_NAME Name of the food item Alphanumeric value with 1 to 27 characters (inclusive)
c/ CALORIE Number of calories Integer from 0 to 2147483647 (inclusive)
t/ MEAL_TYPE Meal that the food item belongs to breakfast, lunch or dinner (not case sensitive)
g/ GENDER Your gender M or F (not case sensitive)
w/ WEIGHT Your weight in kg Integer from 10 to 199 (inclusive)
h/ HEIGHT Your height in cm Integer from 100 to 219 (inclusive)
i/ IDEAL_WEIGHT Your ideal weight in kg Integer from 10 to 199 (inclusive)
a/ AGE Your age in years Integer from 1 to 99 (inclusive)
  INDEX Index of the food item in the list displayed Integer from 1 to the number of food items in the list displayed (inclusive)
  DATE Date that the food items were added into NutriGoals Valid date and in the format yyyy-MM-dd
  LOCATION Location in NUS COM2, S13, S17, CLB, UHC, LT1, LT9, AS6 (not case sensitive)

Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer. (Unsure how to check? Click here for a guide.)

  2. Download the latest nutrigoals.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for NutriGoals.

  4. Double-click the file to start the application. A screen similar to the one below should appear in a few seconds. Note how the application contains some sample data. sampleUi

  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. For example, typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.

  6. Refer to the Features below for detailed descriptions of each command.

:information_source: Note:

  • For new users, the application will contain sample data for these 3 days: 15 September 2022, 23 October 2022 and the current day.
  • For example, you can try entering list 2022-09-15 to view the sample food items on 15 September 2022.
  • To delete food items from all days, enter clear.
  • If double-clicking nutrigoals.jar does not work,
    1. Search for “Command Prompt” or “Terminal” on your computer.
    2. Navigate to the location where nutrigoals.jar is saved via the terminal. (Unsure how to navigate? You can try running this in your terminal: cd Downloads.)
    3. Run the following in the terminal: java -jar nutrigoals.jar.

:exclamation: Warning:

Upon launching the application, some files responsible for the storage of your data will be created in a folder called data located in the same folder as nutrigoals.jar. If you are a new user, you are advised not to edit these files. If the changes you made to the data file invalidates its format, NutriGoals will discard all your data and start with an empty data file.

Screen layout


:information_source: About Food List:

  • Food items displayed in Food List are sorted according to meal type, in the order: breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Upon launching the application, Food List will display food items recorded on the current day.

:information_source: About Progress Bar:

  • Progress Bar changes based on the total calorie intake for the current day as compared to the target calorie intake.
  • To check the total calorie intake for the current day and the target calorie intake, refer to the review command here.
  • The Progress Bar percentage can go beyond 100%, but note that if the target calorie intake is set to 0, the percentage will be fixed at 100%.
  • To set the target calorie intake, refer to the target command here.


:information_source: About the command format:

  • Texts in UPPER_CASE in this guide should be replaced with user inputs.
    • E.g. for the function add n/FOOD_NAME c/CALORIE t/MEAL_TYPE, you may input add n/sushi c/300 t/dinner, where the parameters FOOD_NAME, CALORIE and MEAL_TYPE are replaced bysushi, 300 and dinner respectively.
  • Parameters in square brackets are optional.
  • The parameters can be in any order.
    • E.g. add n/bubble tea c/200 t/dinner is the same as add c/200 n/bubble tea t/dinner.
  • Commands that require an INDEX will only accept positive integer values as the INDEX.
    • Positive integer values refers to any whole number between 1 and 2147483647.
    • E.g. edit 2147483648 is an invalid command regardless of the inputs provided.
  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, exit and clear) will be ignored.
    • E.g. help 123 will be interpreted as help.

Getting started

Setting up a user profile: setup

Sets up a user profile.


  • Sets up the user profile using the information provided by the user.
  • GENDER can only take 2 values: M or F.
  • WEIGHT and IDEAL_WEIGHT can only take on integer values between 10 and 199 (in kg).
  • HEIGHT can only take on integer values between 100 and 219 (in cm).
  • AGE can only take on integer values between 1 and 99 (in years).


  • setup g/f w/50 h/165 i/48 a/20 sets up a user profile for a 20-year-old female who is 50kg and 165cm, who has an ideal weight of 48kg.
  • setup g/m w/70 h/175 i/70 a/20 sets up a user profile for a 20-year-old male who is 70kg and 175cm, who has an ideal weight of 70kg.

:information_source: About the parameters:

GENDER is not case-sensitive.

  • E.g. setup g/f w/50 h/165 i/48 a/20 is the same as setup g/F w/50 h/165 i/48 a/20.
Example after entering setup g/m w/70 h/175 i/70 a/20:

Viewing the user’s profile: profile

Displays the user’s information stored after setup.

Format: profile

Example after entering profile:

  • The user’s details are listed on the right.


:exclamation: Warning:

This feature is only available provided you have setup a profile beforehand.

Managing the food list

Adding a food item : add

Adds a food item with its calorie content.


  • Adds a food item into the food list for the current day, together with its calorie content and meal type.
  • Each field can only be specified once.
  • FOOD_NAME should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, and should not be blank. Names should also not exceed 27 characters.
  • CALORIE can only take in a non-negative integer that is less than 2147483648.
  • MEAL_TYPE can only take on one of three values: breakfast, lunch or dinner.


  • add n/bread c/100 t/breakfast adds bread into the food list, and tags it as a breakfast item with 100 calories.
  • add n/bubble tea c/300 t/lunch adds bubble tea into the food list, and tags it as a lunch item with 300 calories.
  • add n/hotpot c/500 t/dinner adds hotpot into the food list, and tags it as a dinner item with 500 calories.

:information_source: About the parameters:

MEAL_TYPE is not case-sensitive.

  • E.g. add n/hotpot c/500 t/dinner is the same as add n/hotpot c/500 t/dInNeR.

:information_source: Adding food items:

A food item will not be added into the food list if the resulting total calorie intake for the day exceeds 2147483647 calories.

:fast_forward: Future update:

  • The user will be able to add a food item to a specific date.
  • More meal categories will be added, e.g. snack.

Deleting a food item : delete

Removes a food item from the displayed list of foods.

Format: delete INDEX

  • Deletes a food item at the specified index.
  • The index refers to the index shown in the displayed food list.
  • The index must be a positive integer.


  • delete 1 deletes the first item in the food list.
  • list 2022-10-23 followed by delete 1 deletes the first food item recorded on 23 October 2022. Refer to the list command here for more information.

Editing a food item : edit

Edits a food item from the displayed list of foods.


  • Edits a food item at the specified index.
  • The index refers to the index shown in the displayed food list.
  • The index must be a positive integer.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • FOOD_NAME should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, and should not be blank. Names should also not exceed 27 characters.
  • CALORIE can only take in a non-negative integer that is less than 2147483648.
  • MEAL_TYPE can only take on one of three values: breakfast, lunch or dinner.


  • edit 2 n/rice c/300 t/dinner edits the 2nd food item to rice with 300 calories, and tag it as a dinner item.
  • edit 2 n/noodles edits the name of 2nd food item to noodles.
  • edit 2 c/100 n/bread edits the name and calorie content of the first item to bread and 100 respectively.
  • list 2022-10-23 followed by edit 1 n/sushi edits the name of the first food item recorded on 23 October 2022 to sushi. Refer to the list command here for more information.

:information_source: About the parameters:

MEAL_TYPE is not case-sensitive.

  • E.g. edit 2 t/dinner is the same as edit 2 t/dInNeR.

:information_source: About editing food items:

A food item will not be edited if the resulting total calorie intake for the day exceeds 2147483647 calories.

:fast_forward: Future update:

More meal categories will be added, e.g. snack.

Listing all foods for a day: list

Shows a list of all food items and their calories for the specified day (if any).

Format: list [DATE]

  • Shows the food list for the current day if no DATE is supplied.
  • DATE must be in the format yyyy-MM-dd if supplied.


  • list shows a list of all food items and their calories for the current day.
  • list 2022-10-23 shows a list of all food items and their calories recorded on 23 October 2022.

:information_source: About the parameter:

DATE must be a valid date for the command to be executed. Note that the year 0000 is considered invalid.

  • E.g. list 2022-02-31 is an invalid command.
  • E.g. list 0000-01-01 is an invalid command.

Managing calorie goals

Finding the calorie content of a food item: find

Finds the estimated calorie content of a food item.

Format: find FOOD_NAME

  • By default, only the calorie contents of certain food items are included. Refer to the list of food items here.
  • If the user has entered a specific food item before, the find command will return the average calorie content of that food item. (This includes entries on previous days, on top of the current day’s entries.)


  • find chicken rice finds and displays the estimated calorie content of 1 plate of chicken rice.

:information_source: About the parameter:

FOOD_NAME is not case-sensitive.

  • E.g. find rice is the same as find rIcE.

Setting a target calorie intake: target

Sets a target calorie intake for the current day.

Format: target CALORIE

  • CALORIE can only take on integer values between 0 and 2147483647.
  • The default target calorie intake is set at 2000 calories (this is based on the average Daily Recommended Calorie Intake across both genders).


  • target 2500 sets a target calorie intake of 2500 calories for the current day and displays the list of foods for the current day.

Example after entering target 2500:


Viewing a summary of the calorie intake progress: review

Shows the total calories consumed, the calorie target and the calorie deficit/surplus for the current day. The list of foods for the current day will also be displayed.

Format: review

Example after entering review:


Suggesting a daily calorie intake: suggest

Suggests an estimated daily calorie intake to allow the user to attain his/her ideal weight.

Format: suggest

:exclamation: Warning:

This feature is only available provided you have setup a profile beforehand.

Example after entering suggest:


:information_source: Note:

The suggested amount of calorie shown above is based on the example user profile created here.

Fitness and health tips

Locating the nearest gym in NUS: locate

Locates and ranks the gyms from the given location in NUS based on distance.

Format: locate LOCATION

  • LOCATION can only take on one of these values: COM2, S13, S17, CLB, UHC, LT1, LT9, AS6.


  • locate S17 returns a list of gyms sorted from nearest to furthest from S17.

:information_source: About the parameter:

LOCATION is not case-sensitive.

  • E.g. locate com2 is the same as locate COM2.

Example after entering locate com2:


:fast_forward: Future update:

More locations in NUS will be added.

Suggesting a healthy-lifestyle tip: tip

Suggests a random tip to help the user adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Format: tip

Example after entering tip:



Viewing help : help

Shows a message explaining how to access the help page and information on the usage of commands.

Format: help

Example after entering help:

help message

Clearing all stored data: clear

Clears all stored data (excluding gym locations) on all days from NutriGoals.

Format: clear

:information_source: Note:

When using the clear command, the target calorie intake will be reset to the default 2000 calories.

Exiting the program: exit

Exits the program.

Format: exit


How do I check if Java 11 is installed in my computer?

Launch your terminal/command prompt and type the following: java -version, and hit Enter. Java 11 is installed if a similar message to the one below is shown:

openjdk version "" 2022-07-19 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu11.58+23-CA (build
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Zulu11.58+23-CA (build, mixed mode)

I do not have Java 11 installed in my computer. How do I install it?

To download Java 11, visit this website and download the appropriate file for your computer’s system (such as macOS and Windows).

:exclamation: Warning

For Mac users, if the text in the application appears unreadable, please download and install the Azul build of OpenJDK 11 version found here.

How do I save my data in NutriGoals?

NutriGoals saves data automatically after every command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

Where is my NutriGoals data stored?

When you use the application, a folder named data will be created in the same folder as nutrigoals.jar. Your data is stored in the file named nutrigoals.json, which is located in the data folder.

How do I transfer my data to another computer?

You may follow the steps below:

  1. Install the application in the other computer.
  2. Replace the empty data file created with your original NutriGoals data file.

Does NutriGoals need an internet connection to work?

No, NutriGoals can still work normally without an internet connection.

What are the default food items for the find feature?

The food items are:

  • ban mian
  • bubble tea
  • chicken rice
  • fried rice
  • laksa
  • nasi lemak
  • potato chips
  • rice
  • wanton noodles
  • white bread

:fast_forward: Future update:

More default food items will be added.

Command summary

Action Format Example
Setup setup g/GENDER w/WEIGHT h/HEIGHT i/IDEAL_WEIGHT a/AGE setup g/m w/70 h/175 i/70 a/20
Profile profile profile
Add add n/FOOD_NAME c/CALORIE t/MEAL_TYPE add n/donut c/300 t/breakfast
Delete delete INDEX delete 1
Edit edit INDEX [n/FOOD_NAME] [c/CALORIES] [t/MEAL_TYPE] edit 2 n/rice c/300 t/dinner
List list [DATE] list or list 2022-10-23
Find find FOOD_NAME find chicken rice
Target target target 2000
Review review review
Suggest suggest suggest
Locate locate LOCATION locate CLB
Tip tip tip
Help help help
Clear clear clear
Exit exit exit


Term Definition
Calories Unit of measurement for the amount of energy contained in a food item.
Daily Recommended Calorie Intake The amount of calories recommended by experts for an individual to consume daily. According to Health Promotion Board Singapore, adult males and females should consume 2200 and 1800 calories respectively.
Deficit The negative difference between the calories consumed in a day and the target daily intake. These calories are not consumed to facilitate weight loss and fat burn.
Food item Refers to an individual item of food that is consumed.
Gym For this user guide, gym refers to a gymnasium used for weight training. Other sports facilities will be considered for future updates.
Ideal weight The self-defined weight that users want to achieve for themselves.
Meal Comprises of multiple food items that is consumed at a particular time (e.g. breakfast, lunch, dinner, …).
Surplus The positive difference between the calories consumed in a day and the target daily intake. These calories are consumed to facilitate weight gain and muscle growth.