Ping Zhi's Project Portfolio Page
Project: NutriGoals
NutriGoals is a desktop app that tracks a user’s diet and calorie consumption. Studies have shown the benefits of keeping track of your daily food consumption – the more consistent you are, the more likely you are to achieve the various fitness goals that you have set for yourself!
Given below are my contributions to the project.
- New Feature: TargetCommand (PR #35)
- What it does: It allows the user to set a daily calorie goal.
- Justification: The project aims to help users to keep track of their calorie intake. Setting a target daily calorie allows a user to keep track of the amount of calories left to consume within their target.
- New Feature: LocateGymCommand (PR #66)
- What it does: Returns a list of gyms in NUS sorted by distance to the user
- Justification: The project aims to help users start a healthy lifestyle. But after having online lessons for several years, some students are not familiar with NUS’ facilities. This command helps the users to find gyms with ease.
- Enhancements to existing features:
- Styled UI of app to match the theme and increase appeal.
(PR #95)
- What it does:
- Change the colors of the food card in the list of food.
- Add spacing in between the food card.
- Round the edges of the food card.
- What it does:
- Styled UI of app to match the theme and increase appeal.
(PR #95)
Code contributed: RepoSense link
- Documentation:
- Community: